How Do Our Eyes Rate Against The Rest of The Animal Kingdom?
We humans have a lot to brag about among our relatives in the animal kingdom.
We humans have a lot to brag about among our relatives in the animal kingdom.
Everyone sees the world’s beauty from a different perspective. Unfortunately, women stand a far greater risk of developing eye conditions which may prevent them from seeing this beauty at all.
For us, outstanding vision care is centered on one-to-one relationships.
Many of us work long hours and have little time for activity during the week. But when the weekend comes, it’s time to go out and play!
The last few decades have seen an astonishing increase in the prevalence of children’s myopia. Why is it happening and what can you do about it?
Did you know there are roughly 40,000 sports-related eye injuries every year in the U.S. alone?
Smoking is directly tied to the leading causes of blindness.
Some people swim while wearing contact lenses, risking serious damage to their vision.
In a variety of ways, our eyes are often the truest indicators of how we’re feeling.